How Your Relationship with Money Shapes Your Earning Potential
You can create whatever results you want in your future with respect to money.
Unfortunately, the nature and the energy of money are mostly misunderstood - which keeps us from creating wealth to the degree that’s possible for us.
Most people grow up believing that if they “work hard” they will “make” money. They also believe that time “creates” money which leads them to trade time for money. But what if I told you that these two primary beliefs are not only failing you, they are keeping you from experiencing a more abundant life?
Here’s why: Inherently, these beliefs lead you into thoughts and actions that keep you at an “upper limit” or a “mental maximum” of what you’re capable of creating, because you can only do so much “hard work” using your body and mind in the 24 hours of time you have available on any given day. These are some very real personal and logistical limitations that all humans are bound to. However, the solution isn’t to become “super-human” or to become more self-disciplined so that you can do more in less time. At best, all that will do is raise your upper-limit, not remove it.
Therefore, the solution must be found somewhere in understanding that there’s a better way to create wealth and abundance that could lead you to a better way to live - and to figure out what that is.
You don’t have to look far to see that there are other people out there creating more powerfully than you are. But before you conclude that they must have something special that you don’t possess, let me stop you right there by saying that the reason thinking that thought feels deeply hurtful is because it’s not true.
I hope that resonates with your spirit, because truth vibrates at a different frequency when you hear it. If you can place your deeply ingrained beliefs about money, and about people who have money, on hold just long enough to consider that a different perspective can lead you to new levels of resourcefulness and creation, then new and different financial results are available for you.
Most people spend a lot of time living in fear of money. They live in a relationship with money where they want it but they can’t have it, and the absence of it causes problems. For that reason, it’s easy to become resentful toward money and about your financial circumstances. This mostly happens because we aren’t clear about the nature of money and how to make it.
“Here’s the primary reason most people struggle with money: they want money for money’s sake.”
If you’ve committed your life to serving others through your business or entrepreneurship endeavors - it’s even more critical that you understand this. If you want to fulfill a need and provide a meaningful contribution to the world, you must gain a clear understanding of how money works.
If you have disempowering beliefs around money, consider the new ideas I’m going to offer you next with an open mind and an open heart. As I mentioned, one of the primary reasons why we struggle with money is because we want money for money’s sake. In order to change this, you must understand the nature of money:
We live in a reality that has its basis in cause and effect
Money is the effect - and the cause is you
However, your attention becomes fixed on money (the effect) rather than on creating a reason it should show up in your life (the cause - you, and what you do to add value to the marketplace)
To create wealth and abundance, you must create a REASON (be the cause) for it to show up in your life (through your business or other revenue generating activities)
Money is the representation of the value of exchange in this reality and money (cash flow) is the lifeblood of any business
You must be clear on what you want to create in the world, and in your life, and then the energy of money responds according to those factors. Your ability to take action depends on your thinking, and your thinking depends on your beliefs.
How to Get New Results
Your results with money are always based on your thinking about it. Your thoughts about money are always preceded by your beliefs about it. Therefore, you must change your money mindset and beliefs before you can create different financial outcomes.
Tactics vs. Mindset
It’s important to understand that tactics only matter after you have an abundant money mindset. Tactics don’t matter if you don’t have the right mindset because you’ll sabotage any chance you have at using the right tactics if you have a scarcity mindset or disempowering beliefs about money or about your ability to create it.
In order to change your existing beliefs about money from disempowering and based in scarcity, to empowering and based in abundance, start by reflecting on your existing beliefs about money and decide to release and change the ones that no longer serve your financial goals.
Your Current Money Beliefs: What are your existing beliefs about earning, spending, saving, and debt? What do you believe about wealthy and poor people?
Your Money Past: When considering your current beliefs about money, focus on where in your past your beliefs stem from. The point is that you become aware of your thinking, instead of assuming that your thinking is automatically true. To do that, it helps to see that your existing beliefs were learned, which means you can unlearn whats not serving you.
NOTE: Do Not take this as an opportunity to locate whom to blame. Whom you learned any particular belief from is not relevant to changing it that belief.
Your Money Future: What you believe about your ability to earn, save, invest, and get out of debt in the future will determine the actions you take and the results you get.
So, what would you like to believe about money?
You can believe anything you want about money, abundance, and your earning potential. The reason many people don’t earn more is because they don’t believe that they can. Most people haven’t intentionally set beliefs or an empowering money philosophy because they have not learned that the nature of the flow of money is an energetic exchange for value - the word “currency” is meant to represent this “flow”. Instead, most people are spinning their wheels, thinking about bills they have to pay and how to make more money - rather than how to create greater value in a marketplace.
Your Relationship with Money is Part of Your Life Legacy
Just as you located beliefs about money that you’ve likely been carrying around since childhood, you will inevitably pass on your money beliefs to your spouse, partner, or children if you should have them. When you make new empowering decisions about money, you can proactively create a desirable financial life and legacy that sustains a brighter future legacy. If you want to change the results you have in your life, you’ll need to change your relationship with money. That starts with intentionally following a new philosophy about money and taking on new empowering beliefs about money.
Try on this new money philosophy and see how it empowers you to take new, more meaningful, more consistent actions and changes your perspective on how you expend your efforts to create wealth:
I AM the cause for which money is the effect.
Become a member of the Edgy Entrepreneur Community on Facebook and join us for Unf*ck Your Mindset Friday at 12:30pm EST on March 11th where we’ll discuss this topic in more detail, answer your questions, and help you unpack this further.
Stay Edgy-
Coach Oriana Guevára, MHR, MBA
Co-Founder, The Edgy Entrepreneur
© Edgy Entrepreneur, LLC. • 51 E. Jefferson St. #3292, Orlando, FL 32802 •