Living Life Driven and Connected by Vision
In the midst of your typical daily routine of rise and shine followed by work and family, countless emails, texts, meetings, walking the dog, helping with homework, staying up late to work on your business… you may find yourself moving through the motions with a desire to complete what seems like an endless task list.
But what if you could move through the day with an intention to fulfill a vision? How would that change things for the better?
What is a Life Vision and how can having one support you?
You may be familiar with why you should have a vision statement for your business that exemplifies the big picture of what your business aims to accomplish.
However, with respect to a Life Vision, the purpose is to create an inspiring big picture for how every aspect of your life will feed a larger vision or purpose that ultimately creates meaning and a fulfilling life experience.
I’m not talking about a vision board where you put pictures of experiences and material things that you desire to acquire. Vision boards are great for maintaining visual reminders of what you want. I’m referring to an overarching purpose or reason that you are here on this planet. Your Life Vision is connected to your why - your reason for living.
Your Life Vision is the mountaintop!
You’re on a mission to climb a mountain – you climb every boulder, squeeze through every nook, traverse every obstacle, and when you get to the top there’s a beautiful view of your creation. It is the change wish to create in the world. It should be a large, almost out of reach, compelling vision that drives you on a daily basis.
A compelling vision for your life makes it possible for you to attract more of what you want in your relationships and business. The highest performing athletes and business professionals in the world credit their vision as a source that drives them to perform at the highest levels.
3 Parts to Creating Your Life Vision
Journal your responses to these 3 questions:
What is my passion?
For me (Coach Tribby), I have a passion for helping people. I worked in sports medicine as a physical rehabilitation specialist and found meaning and joy helping people overcome their injuries and return to their lives pain-free. When I helped people living with pain to see that they could rise above it and get back to doing the things they love - those were fulfilling moments for me.
What change would I like to see in the world? Observing this problem causes you to experience pain.
Through my time in the medical field I realized that many people get sub-par medical care. The change I would like to influence in the world has to do with helping healthcare practitioners create better experiences for the patients they serve in their medical practices.
How do I use my passion to make that change happen?
I want to see a change in the healthcare industry. When I combined that desire with my passion to help people, I realized that the answer was in providing people with relief from their pain without the use of addicting drugs or unnecessary surgery. In order to do that, I decided to open a medical practice that specializes in helping people overcome pain and injury through regenerative medicine & stem cell therapy.
I also started a coaching business that helps healthcare entrepreneurs build practices that deliver the best care and customer service for their patients.
Lastly, I teamed up with another great coach to create a podcast and this associated blog that helps business owners overcome roadblocks in the lives, relationships and businesses.
Notice how the overarching vision of my life is one of service to people. Notice how everything that I am doing centers around that. I also aligned my relationships with people who also do the same. Because I desire to become a servant leader, I use my effort and gifts to develop businesses that serve others in ways that are meaningful to me and move me closer to bringing my Life Vision into realty.
This is called alignment or CONGRUENCE.
“If you are not living all aspects of your life in congruence with your vision, you will feel a sense of disconnection.”
Here’s an example of that disconnect. Let’s say you have an affinity towards animals. You desire to have a profound effect on animal cruelty. You stop eating meat, you develop foundations and animal rights groups to defend the cause. But, you also have investments in mutual funds that support slaughter houses and you date people who do not share your value system.
Notice that there are some significant misalignment in this example. It usually is easier to observe incongruence in others, however, consider in your own life - where do you have unfulfilled passion and purpose because you invite or allow things in that aren’t aligned. What purpose and values are you abandoning because you’ve placed greater significance on continuing a particular relationship or source of income?
Success, happiness, and purpose are NOT all the same things and one does not rely on the other.
There are plenty of successful people who aren’t happy. Happiness is an emotion and emotions change daily based on external circumstances. Having an inspiring Life Vision that gives you meaning and direction allows you opportunity to live an extraordinary life.
A Life Vision also allows you to place a filter on every decision you make.
When you’re clear on your Life Vision, it pushes you to take certain actions to bring it to life. It forces you to honor a specific value system as well. When these align, decisions about what to invite into your life and what to reject become a lot easier and there is much less emotion involved in these decisions - it’s not personal because it’s not about you or them - it’s about honoring your Life Vision and the trajectory you’re already on.
It’s often forgotten that our purpose in relationships is to give, NOT simply to take or see what you can get. Unfortunately, many people aren’t clear on what they’re giving because they don’t have a clear vision for their life. They are relying on another person to give them purpose in the context of a relationship. Do not forego purpose in order to feel temporary satisfaction from external sources - including other people.
If you desire to live a life of purpose, first find congruence through a powerful vision for your life, relationships, and business. This makes you the hero of your own story and invites the right characters to be a part of it.
Stay Edgy-
Coach Daniel Tribby, ATC, CNP
Co-Founder, The Edgy Entrepreneur
© Edgy Entrepreneur, LLC. • 51 E. Jefferson St. #3292, Orlando, FL 32802 •